012: (77). Male, 79 years old, ABS 20, NABS 4 It’s prescribed by the doctors and that is it you would still take it. You know you have such faith in the doctors, well I have, I can’t speak for everyone else but I do. 013: (70). Female, 62 years old, ABS 19, NABS 6 The results uncovered a lack of understanding of the role of the pharmacist. Patients did not want to undermine the stature of the prescriber. There was also a misconception that for serious ailments pharmacists have no role to play. . . . I have never seen the pharmacist in that role, they sort
of sit behind a shop counter. I know it is a highly trained profession, so why not? Because once they are prescribed, I have already been to the GP. 020: (238). Male, 52 years old, ABS Panobinostat mouse 19, NABS 7 Not if it was to do with the heart. 014: (182). Male, 65 years old, ABS 16, NABS 9 There would appear to be a view among the cohort that aspirin holds less importance than other medication. . . . if it is something Dabrafenib price minor like an aspirin or something, I know I have to take the aspirin for my heart but if I missed one it wouldn’t bother me so much. 002: (149). Female, 70 years old, ABS 20,
NABS 7 I understand the aspirin is important but I don’t think in relation to the other pills it is as essential. But I always take it and I always make sure I have it. 002: (153). Female, 70 years old, ABS 20, NABS 7 . . . the aspirin in less important because that is general thinning. 020: (118). Male, 52 years old, ABS 19, NABS 7 Overall 13 patients in the cohort reported having a routine or system for taking their medication. There was a belief among these patients that having a routine improved their adherence. I have been taking them for 18 years now so it is just a routine now. It is part of my lifestyle. 009: (69). Male, 64 years old, ABS 19, NABS 4 One of the main tips that these patients had was that by keeping medication in the same place (and preferably visible) Methamphetamine this acts as a prompt
to take medication. I have another pill which I take prior to my evening meal. In order not to forget that I also have a whisky before my evening meal! . . . I never forget the whisky . . . 012: (21). Male, 79 years old, ABS 20, NABS 4 I forget almost never. Just basically by keeping it in the same area and doing it at the same time. 003: (57). Male, 65 years old, ABS 19, NABS 5 The experience of severe chest pain and the subsequent knowledge that it was a heart attack acted as a motivating factor to many. If you know the consequences well. . . I don’t want to suffer the consequences of going back in [to hospital] with a heart attack or something like that. It probably does frighten you into taking it and don’t miss it out. 016: (89).