[19] In 1996, Watson et al proposed a six-tiered grading system

[19] In 1996, Watson et al. proposed a six-tiered grading system that is a modification of Wyler’s grading system, mainly by inserting an additional grade between Wyler’s grades II and III.[13] In 2007, Blümcke et al. proposed a clinicopathological classification system

for HS, using the term “mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS)” based on the cluster analysis of semi-quantitative measurements of neuronal loss in CA1–CA4, showing five distinct patterns of hippocampal pathology.[14] Selleck ZVADFMK They found that these patterns were associated with specific clinical histories and/or post-surgical outcome; for example, the age of the initial precipitating injury (IPI) appeared to be an important predictor of hippocampal pathology, as it was younger in patients with MTS types 1a and 1b (<3 years) than those with MTS types 2 (mean 6 years) and 3 (mean 13 years) as well as no MTS (mean 16 years). While successful seizure control was associated with MTS types 1a and 1b, MTS type 3 (EFS) appears to be a predictor of poorer post-surgical seizure outcome. By contrast, Thom et al. found better outcomes for patients with EFS and poorer outcomes

for the no HS group.[20] Such differences in the results among various studies appear to be a major problem in elucidating the clinicopathological correlation check details of mTLE-HS, and seem to be associated, at least in part, with differences in the numbers of patients studied, inclusion and exclusion criteria and the surgical procedure employed, as well as post-surgical follow-up periods. Interobserver reliability would also affect the histological diagnosis and results of each individual study. Recently, the ILAE constituted a task force of neuropathology within the Commission on Diagnostic Methods, trying to establish an international consensus of histological classification of HS using a semi-quantitative Casein kinase 1 scoring system, based on agreement with the recognition of the importance of defining a histopathological

classification system that reliably has some clinicopathological correlation, such as post-surgical seizure outcome and memory impairment.[21] A new classification will be proposed in the near future. Meanwhile, the authors (HM and TH) reviewed surgical specimens obtained from 41 consecutive mTLE patients (male/female = 24/17; age at onset, 14.7 ± 11.7 years; age at operation, 32.8 ± 10.8 years; post-operative follow-up period, 27–253 months) treated by selective amygdalohippocampectomy with or without temporal lobectomy between 1991 and 2010, excluding 7 cases due to insufficient amount of tissue available for histological study. All patients were operated on by one of the authors (TH) in Tottori University, Tokyo Women’s Medical University, and Moriyama Memorial Hospital, Japan. Histological evaluation was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections stained by HE and KB, as well as a panel of immunohistochemistry for GFAP, vimentin, and neuronal nuclear antigen (NeuN) (Table 2).

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