2 ± 05 spikes/s; Asleep 33 ± 03 spikes/s; P > 005) Examples

2 ± 0.5 spikes/s; Asleep 3.3 ± 0.3 spikes/s; P > 0.05). Examples of the activity of these three cell types during individual eyes-closed (BS3) epochs are illustrated in Fig. 5. Summary population data for the firing rates of cell Types 1, 2 and 3 are given in Table 1 and illustrated graphically in Fig. 6. None of the Type 1 and Type 2 cells had significant responses to any of the taste, olfactory and visual

stimuli being tested (Rolls, 2008). Of note is that only three of the Type 3 cells displayed significant responses to sensory stimuli (see Rolls, 2008); the lack of eye-close responses of these AC220 ic50 three cells was similar to the other Type 3 cells. The population responses for a large sample of epochs (n = 100) from Type 1 cells during the transitions from being ‘awake to asleep’ (BS3 to BS1) and from being ‘asleep to awake’ (BS1 to BS3) are shown in Fig. 7A and B. These data plots allow an assessment of the overall variability in firing rate changes for Type 1 cells across behavioural states. The data have been plotted so that each transition point occurs at t = 0 s (Fig. 7) with a 1-min period ‘before’ and a 4-min period ‘after’ each transition being included for comparison. Figure 7A and B clearly indicate for a large number

of Type 1 epochs the general robust and consistent physiological responses of these neurons to periods of ‘eye-closure’ (Fig. 7A) or ‘eye-opening’ (Fig. 7B). Some neurons, however, had epochs that did not display such a marked and consistent change in firing rate between behavioural states. For example, there were some Type 1 neurons that had BS3 to BS1 transitions which Selleckchem Verteporfin showed gradual increases in firing rate some 5–40 s prior to eye-closure. The monkey’s eyelids would seemingly become heavy and start to droop before finally closing tightly. These neurons can be described as responding to a period of inattention, drowsiness and rest prior to the onset of sleep. Conversely, there were a small number of Type 1 cells that had BS3 to BS1 transitions where there was an increase in cell

firing rate several seconds (3–6 s) after the monkey’s eyelids closed. In contrast to the period prior to eye-closure/sleep (BS1), where monkeys would sometimes display a state of drowsiness with their eyes partially closed (BS2), they would Linifanib (ABT-869) in general wake up from sleep by opening their eyes fully, producing a sharp BS1 to BS3 transition (Fig. 7B). Recordings of mean firing rates over longer time periods (up to tens of minutes, which was continuously monitored by the experimenter) revealed the longer term firing rate architecture of ‘awake/asleep’ epochs and their periodicity, with repeating BS1, BS2 (where present) and BS3 periods, and the reliable changes in firing rate associated with each epoch (Fig. 4A and B; Table 2). Epochs of eye-closure (BS1) could last from a brief 10 s up to 15 min or more (Fig. 4B).

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