, 2008) The SCA7-CTCF-I-wt

construct yielded four indepe

, 2008). The SCA7-CTCF-I-wt

construct yielded four independent lines of transgenic mice that did not develop a phenotype, despite possessing a CAG92 repeat tract in the fully intact ataxin-7 minigene. Instead, two independent lines of SCA7-CTCF-I-mut mice developed a SCA7-like phenotype, characterized by cone-rod dystrophy retinal degeneration and cerebellar atrophy. Further studies indicated that loss of CTCF binding results in dramatically Selleck Gefitinib reduced expression of SCAANT1 in association with high-level ataxin-7 expression from the newly discovered alternative sense promoter. Our findings thus reveal that CTCF does regulate ataxin-7 gene expression; however, instead of preventing transcription repression, CTCF supports it. Furthermore, rather than restricting antisense expression, CTCF promotes it. Surveys of mammalian transcriptomes are uncovering tremendous numbers and varieties of noncoding RNAs, and the production of antisense transcripts appears to be a pervasive feature of the human and mouse

transcriptomes (He et al., 2008, Kapranov et al., 2007 and Okazaki et al., 2002). When we discovered that SCAANT1 expression levels inversely correlate with ataxin-7 sense expression in both SCA7 transgenic mice and human tissues, we considered the possibility that SCAANT1 might be regulating the LY294002 expression of its sense counterpart, as reciprocal expression of sense and antisense transcripts has been reported for a number of human and mouse genes (Katayama

et al., 2005). Indeed, at the human p15 locus, gene silencing of sense expression by an antisense RNA has been documented and can be achieved by enforced expression of the antisense transcript ( Yu et al., 2008). We tested if SCAANT1 expression in trans can downregulate ataxin-7 alternative sense promoter activity in luciferase reporter assay experiments and by crossing SCA7-CTCF-I-mut mice with SCA7-CTCF-I-wt mice, as the latter exhibit high-level SCAANT1 expression. However, SCAANT1 transcript elevation had no effect upon ataxin-7 alternative sense expression in vitro or in vivo. Studies of antisense transcripts in mice and humans, as well as other eukaryotes such as yeast, have revealed evidence for inhibition of transcription by virtue of actual transcription interference, when RNA polymerases moving in opposite directions collide with one another ( Osato TCL et al., 2007 and Shearwin et al., 2005). To test if SCAANT1 regulates sense expression in cis, we engineered an ataxin-7 genomic fragment construct with a transcription terminator positioned in the antisense orientation, and placed antisense transcription under the control of an inducible promoter. After validating the efficiency of the transcription terminator, we measured the effect of premature transcription termination upon SCAANT1′s ability to repress ataxin-7 sense expression, and we noted a dramatic derepression of sense transcription, when antisense transcription was prematurely terminated.

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