8 in Savigny, France, to OR=20.1 in Edmonton, Canada, with OR=5.7 reported in the NCS (Table VII). Table VII. Comorbidity of panic disorder (PD) with lifetime agoraphobia and major depression. ECA, Epidemiological Catchment Area survey; NCS, National Comorbidity Survey; OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval. Finally, comparing lifetime prevalence rates, all of the studies reporting on PD showed higher rates for women than for men. In an analysis of the data, Eaton and colleagues45 found uniformly higher rates of panic attacks and PD for women over men within
every age group. Of interest, Keyl and Eaton55 analyzed incidence rates from the ECA study and found a twofold increased risk of incident PD in women over men.56 #Paclitaxel human endothelial cells keyword# This finding
is analogous to the increased incidence and prevalence rates for major depression in women Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical versus men. It suggests that for both PD and major depression, the higher rates in women reflect a true http://www.selleckchem.com/products/Gemcitabine-Hydrochloride(Gemzar).html increase in the risk for new-onset PD and major depression, rather than a greater tendency to seek treatment or have longer episodes of illness. Agoraphobia Diagnosis DSM-III agoraphobia is defined as a fear and avoidance of being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult or in which help might not be available in the event of sudden incapacitation. As a result of such fears, the agoraphobic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical person avoids travel outside the home or requires a companion when away from home. Moderate cases may cause some constriction in lifestyle, while severe Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical cases of agoraphobia may result in the person being completely housebound or unable to leave home unaccompanied. As outlined in the PD section above, DSM-III-R revised the diagnosis of agoraphobia to a condition accompanying PD (PD with agoraphobia)
or panic-like symptoms. Although the diagnosis of agoraphobia without history of PD was retained, this category emphasized avoidance behavior as a response to the sudden development of anxiety or somatic symptoms. DSM-IV has further emphasized that the agoraphobic avoidance behavior Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical occurs specifically in response to the fear of developing panic-like symptoms. Prevalence Lifetime prevalence rates of agoraphobia have been reported in a number of Brefeldin_A studies. If one considers only the studies carried out in primarily English-speaking countries, the lifetime prevalence rates vary over a narrow range from 2.9% in Edmonton, Canada, to 6.7% in the NCS.11 Despite the changes in the diagnostic definition between DSM-III and DSM-III-R, the lifetime rates from the ECA and NCS studies showed remarkable consistency (5.6% and 6%-7%, respectively). As with other disorders, Taiwan reported a lower rate of agoraphobia (1.3%). On the other hand, as shown in Table VIII,8,11,14,46,47,49 -51 the Cross-national Collaborative Study and the NCS identified PD as a uniformly powerful risk factor for agoraphobia across a wide array of study sites.