aureus produced by fermentation under anaerobic conditions [11]

Selleckchem PF-04929113 aureus produced by fermentation under anaerobic conditions [11]. The formyl group is removed from many proteins upon translation by polypeptide deformylase and this reaction is essential because the function of many proteins appears to depend on deformylated N-termini [12]. Accordingly, deformylase represents an attractive target for antibiotics [13]. Deformylase modifies only proteins with certain sequence motifs next to formyl-methionine while those with unfavorable N-terminal sequences remain unmodified [14]. The severe growth defect of Fmt mutants indicates that many bacterial proteins are fully functional only if the N-terminal formyl group is retained

but it has remained unclear, which proteins these are. A recent proteomic study has shown by 2D gel electropheresis that the majority of proteins in Bacillus subtilis are deformylated but that

a substantial number of proteins retain the Selleckchem MK-4827 formyl group [15]. In an attempt to elucidate how the absence of formylated proteins impacts MK1775 on the metabolic capacities of bacteria the exometabolomes, abilities to catabolize specific nutrients, and susceptibilities to inhibitors of the folic acid metabolisms of S. aureus wild type and fmt mutant strains were compared. The results indicate that formylated proteins are required for distinct metabolic pathways including the anaerobic degradation of arginine via the arginine deiminase pathway and the oxidation of pyruvate. Moreover, the fmt mutant was more susceptible to trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole indicating that the folic acid metabolism was perturbed in the mutant. Results Reduced growth of the S. aureus Δfmt mutant in the presence of oxygen The fmt gene is not essential for viability but its inactivation compromises growth in several bacterial Bacterial neuraminidase species [3, 4, 16]. In order to analyze under which conditions fmt inactivation affects growth of S. aureus the multiplication of RN4220 wild type, fmt mutant (Δfmt), and complemented

mutant was monitored under aerated and non-aerated growth conditions. In the presence of oxygen Δfmt exhibited a significantly reduced growth rate compared to wild type and complemented mutant and reached slightly lower densities after 24 h of growth (Figure  1A). Under anaerobic conditions growth of all three strains was similar and the mutant exhibited significantly lower densities only at the 4 h time point (Figure  1B). Figure 1 Growth of Δ fmt mutant, wild type, and complemented Δ fmt mutant in BM under (A) aerated and (B) anaerobic conditions. Data represent means ± SEM of three independent experiments. Significances of wild type vs. Δfmt: *P < 0.05; **P < 0.005; ***P < 0.001; ns not significant; as calculated with the two-tailed Student’s t-test. It can be assumed that the growth defect of Δfmt results largely from inactivity of proteins whose function may depend on N-terminal formylation.

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