Cylindrospermum badium Johansen et Hrčková sp nov


Cylindrospermum badium Johansen et Hrčková sp. nov.

(Fig 5, aa-aj) Thallus gelatinous to leathery, spreading, blue-green in young cultures, becoming olive-green to brown with age, with nacreous, shiny surface. Filaments motile. Trichomes short or long, straight or flexuous, constricted at the cross walls, isopolar to heteropolar, motile, 3.0–4.8 μm wide. Vegetative cells cylindrical, isodiametric to longer than wide, with pale blue-green, finely granulated content, 3.5–7.5 μm long. Heterocytes forming terminally after trichome fragmentation, solitary, unipored, almost spherical, elongated or slightly conical, tan colored, 5–10(13) μm long, 3–5 μm wide. Akinetes forming paraheterocytically, solitary, broadly oval, flattened at both ends, 17–30 μm long, 10.0–14.4 μm wide. Exospore usually 1–3 μm wide, initially U0126 ic50 colorless, later chestnut-brown, smooth, internally structured, sometimes not firmly

delimited. Holotype: BRY37721, Monte L. Bean Museum, Provo, Utah. Reference strain: CCALA 1000. Partial 16S and complete 16S-23S ITS sequences for operons containing tRNAAla and tRNAIle (operon 1) and lacking tRNA genes (operon2) in the ITS portion are Belnacasan concentration available under GenBank accession numbers KF052616 and KF142524 respectively. Type locality: recultivated top soil after coal mining with sweet gum, Pyramid State Recreational Area, Illinois, USA. Etymology: badius = chestnut brown, referring to the chestnut-brown exospore. Taxonomic Notes: Morphologically and phylogenetically similar to C. moravicum, but differing in the more darkly colored and flattened exospore. Secondary structures of conserved ITS domains very similar to those in the C. catenatum group, but

MCE公司 differing from those in C. moravicum. Cylindrospermum catenatum Ralfs ex Bornet et Flahault (Fig. 4, u-ai) Thallus gelatinous, shapeless, blue-green in young cultures, becoming yellowish with age, becoming brownish after akinete formation. Trichomes short or long, dispersed in a wide mucilage, flexuous, constricted at the cross walls, isopolar to heteropolar, 3.7–4.4 μm wide. Vegetative cells slightly barrel-shaped or almost cylindrical, mainly isodiametric, pale blue-green to green, finely granulated content, 3.5–5.0 μm long. Heterocytes forming terminally after trichome fragmentation, solitary, unipored, spherical to elongated, sometimes bluntly conical, with greenish smooth content, 5.0–7.2 μm long, 4.0–5.0 μm wide. Akinetes forming paraheterocytically, solitary or more commonly in rows of up to six cells, elongated oval to cylindrical, with smooth, thin (up to 1 μm), golden to dirty brown exospores, 14–22 μm long, 8–12 μm wide. Isolated from diverse damp soils in Czech and Slovak Republics. Reference strains CCALA 990, CCALA 991, CCALA 996, CCALA 997, and CCALA 999. Herbarium vouchers BRY37711, BRY37712, BRY37717, BRY37718, BRY37720. Sequences KF052601 – KF052604, KF052611 – KF052613, KF052615.

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