dorcas at Bark Bay in 1993, 2 in 1997, 1 in 2001 (0 in 2005, 2007, 2008, and 2009) and 1 at Bibon Lake in each of 3 years (0 in two other years) aCoastal peatlands occur only in the northwest In central Wisconsin, only three bog specialists were known to be in range (Glassberg 1999), indicating a depauperate fauna, although DZNeP clinical trial still remarkable for any species of boreal affinity to occur here. But in northern Wisconsin, bogs were not depauperate in specialists.
In relatively little effort we recorded most or all possible bog specialist species in a number of muskegs (Table 5). This compared favorably with barrens specialists recorded in the same study region, at which we typically had IAP inhibitor similar or more survey effort (Table 6). Four specialists were widespread in bogs, occurring in most sites surveyed in 4 or more years (Table 7). Table 5 Bog specialist butterflies recorded during 2002–2009 in selected
bog sites (not roadsides), grouped by bog type (subregion and counties in parentheses), maximum specialist species in BVD-523 range, and survey effort (km and h) Total specialist Maximum Survey Survey Species recorded in rangea km h Muskegs (Northwest: Douglas) Bear Lake 8 8 44.5 18 Bear lake North 7b 8 33.9 13.1 Lyman Lake 8 8 88.7 35.2 Milchesky Road 8 8 40.8 16.1 Moose Junction 7c 8 29.2 11.5 Muskegs (Northwest: Ashland, Iron, Price) Caroline Lake 6b 7 24.4 8.5 Forest Road 137 2.3 6d 7 18.2 7.9 Glidden 6c 7 55.8 21.5 Muskegs (Northeast: Forest) Armstrong mafosfamide 7 7 60.3 23.2 Forest Road 2182 W 7 7 21.4 7.9 Forest Road 2414 5b,e 7 25.7 10.3 Kettleholes
(Northwest: Bayfield interior) East Crane Lake 3 7 10.7 3.5 East Roger Lake 3 7 14.8 6.3 East Wishbone 4 7 23.9 9.9 Pine Lake 2 7 8.1 2.9 Coastal Peatlands (Northwest: Bayfield coastal) Bark Bay 2 7 21.2 9.2 Bibon Lake 5 7 15.9 6 Lost Creek 2 7 16.9 7 Port Wing Boreal 2 7 12.3 5.3 a B. montinus was discovered in northwestern Wisconsin in the 1990s (Ferge 1992) bNo B. frigga, c No E. discoidalis, d No L. dorcas, e No B. eunomia Table 6 Heath/barrens specialist butterflies recorded in sites (indicated by X) in northern study region, with statistics on survey characteristics Dunbar Marinette Private Crex Burnett Moquah Barrens Co. Forest Forestry Meadows Co. Forest Barrens County Marinette Marinette Douglas Burnett Burnett Bayfield Patch size (ha) 535a ca 18b >60b 3240a 30b 2020a Survey effort (km) 54.6 84.9 27 293.4 70.7 84.4 Survey effort (h) 19.5 34.4 12.7 128.7 34.4 36.6 Earliest survey date 15-May 19-May 8-May 26-Apr 26-Apr 24-Apr Latest survey date 14-Aug 14-Aug 12-Sep 17-Aug 17-Aug 19-Sep Survey years 2002–2009 1998, 2002–2009 2003–2009 1991– 2009 1994– 2009 1988– 2009 Pi Euchloe olympia X X X NA L Callophrys henrici X L Lycaeides idas X NA NA NA NA L L.