The electropherogram is representative of results from sequencing

The electropherogram is representative of results from sequencing of several distinct clones obtained after 5′RACE. selleck monoclonal antibody The first base (C) downstream of the dT tail-A corresponds to the first nucleotide transcribed or TSS; C. Schematic representation of the argC-gca1 chromosomal region of A. brasilense. Large arrows represent the ORFs, and their orientation shows the transcriptional

direction. Small arrows indicate the location of primers used for RT-PCR and 5′RACE experiment. The nucleotides representing TSS (+1), putative -35 and -10 boxes, and SD are underlined. Start codon (ATG) of argC is italicized. Determination of transcription start site of argC-gca1 transcript Co-transcription of argC-gca1, confirmed by RT-PCR, prompted us to determine the transcription start site (TSS) and promoter elements involved in the regulation of this operon. We were also interested to examine if gca1 has its own TSS which could be used to regulate transcription of only gca1 from

a promoter located upstream of gca1 somewhere in argC ORF. For this purpose, we performed 5′RACE experiment using RNA sample isolated from A. brasilense Sp7. In the first step of 5′RACE experiment, we used gcaR1 for cDNA synthesis as this primer could drive the synthesis of cDNAs from both types of transcripts (from argC-gca1 and gca1), if present. In the later reactions, the respective nested primers were used (as described CCR antagonist in materials and methods) to amplify regions upstream of argC and gca1. Amplicons obtained in both cases, with gca1 and argC specific nested primers, showed a single transcription start from a C residue located at position -94 relative to the predicted translational start site of argC (Figure 5B and 5C) indicating the presence of only one TSS for this predicted operon located upstream of argC ORF. Analysis of the region upstream

the identified TSS for corresponding promoter elements (sequences at -35 and -10 regions) indicated the presence of CTACCG at -35 and GTACAA at -10 of TSS with a click here spacing of 17 nt. Eight base pairs upstream from the ATG initiation codon, a consensus AAGGAA Shine-Dalgarno sequence for ribosome binding was found (Figure 5C). Inducibility of argC-gca1 operon in response to stationary phase and high CO2 After the confirmation of co-transcription by RT-PCR and determination of transcription start site by 5′RACE experiment which suggested the transcription of argC and gca1 genes from a promoter located upstream of argC ORF, we examined the regulation of argC-gca1 operon in response to different conditions. For this purpose, – 455 to + 79 of TSS of argC-gca1 was inserted upstream of the promoterless lacZ reporter in pRKK200 to make transcriptional fusion (pSK8), and β-galactosidase assay was performed with cells of A. brasilense harboring pSK8 and grown in MMAB in different conditions.

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