“The epidemiological and pathogenic relationship between Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis, the two causes of whooping cough (pertussis), is unclear. We hypothesized that B. pertussis, due to its immunosuppressive activities, might enhance B. parapertussis infection when the two species were present in a coinfection of the respiratory tract. The dynamics of this
relationship were examined using the mouse intranasal inoculation model. Infection check details of the mouse respiratory tract by B. parapertussis was not only enhanced by the presence of B. pertussis, but B. parapertussis significantly outcompeted B. pertussis in this model. Staggered inoculation of the two organisms revealed that the advantage for B. parapertussis is established at an early stage of infection. Coadministration of PT enhanced B. parapertussis single infection, but had no
effect on mixed infections. Mixed infection with a PT-deficient B. pertussis strain did not enhance B. parapertussis infection. Interestingly, the depletion of airway macrophages reversed the competitive relationship between these two organisms, but the depletion of neutrophils had no effect on mixed infection or B. parapertussis infection. We conclude that B. pertussis, through the action Roxadustat in vivo of PT, can enhance a B. parapertussis infection, possibly by an inhibitory effect on innate immunity. The acute respiratory disease whooping cough (or pertussis) is caused by the gram-negative coccobacillus Bordetella pertussis, which binds to ciliated cells of the respiratory tract. However, a shorter and milder form of the disease is also caused by Bordetella Methisazone parapertussis (Heininger et al., 1994). Data suggest that B. parapertussis is the causative agent of a significant proportion of whooping cough cases in some global locations, including several European countries
(Watanabe & Nagai, 2004). In a clinical setting, it is hard to distinguish between these two pathogens, and involves costly laboratory tests such as PCR assays (Tatti et al., 2008). The treatment of infection is the same regardless of which of these two species of Bordetella is the infective agent, and therefore, tests to identify the causative pathogen are not always conducted. Mixed outbreaks and coinfection of patients with these two organisms have also been seen in clinical studies (Mertsola, 1985; Iwata et al., 1991), and there is little understanding of the epidemiological and pathogenic relationship between the two. Both of these pathogens are restricted to human hosts, although a distinct group of B. parapertussis strains that evolved independently (B. parapertussisov) infects sheep, causing a chronic nonprogressive pneumonia (Porter et al., 1994; Diavatopoulos et al., 2005). Bordetella pertussis and B.