The RISS has two plans for this: (1) holding a program orientation of the RISS program in each department and (2) expanding sustainability associate courses in social and human sciences. Concluding remarks This paper has introduced the educational program for sustainability science at the Research Institute for Sustainability Science (RISS) and MK5108 manufacturer analyzed its approach to show how it is effective in responding to the increasing demand for the utilization of existing knowledge and technologies.
The RISS program provides opportunities for students from all of the graduate schools at Osaka University to learn sustainability science by interacting with different academic and cultural backgrounds. Also, the RISS program plays an important role in disseminating the knowledge of science and technologies and, thus, can be the platform for sustainability science for faculty members at Osaka University to promote research activities in this field. Yet, we are aware that Osaka University alone cannot accomplish the mission of sustainability education. There remained important themes and topics in sustainability science
that are not dealt with in our curriculum. Therefore, to improve the program in cooperation with the Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S) universities is of particular importance. The IR3S Sotrastaurin is working to build a network with three levels of activities: 1. The IR3S promotes
the interchange of students and faculty across universities through the credit exchange system. At the time of writing of this paper, Osaka University is working to reach an agreement with Kyoto University for a credit exchange system. These two universities are located within a commutable distance and, thus, this agreement potentially creates frequent interchanges of students and faculty through the sustainability science programs. 2. The IR3S is attempting to establish a joint educational program. For this program to be effective, we are designing a joint sustainability core course, frontier for sustainability science, to be offered in March 2009, as a required course for the joint educational program. (-)-p-Bromotetramisole Oxalate This course consists of lectures and discussions conducted by leading scholars in sustainability science from the five universities. 3. The IR3S makes use of the opportunities afforded by the existing international connections. For example, the University of Tokyo and the Asia Institute of Technology TAM Receptor inhibitor organize the Intensive Program for Sustainability (IPoS) annually. The participants are students from the universities in the Southeast Asia region, the US, and Europe, as well as the IR3S universities. In addition, faculty members from the IR3S universities also participate in the program, which can be thought of as faculty development.