We show here that this large miRNA cluster is silenced in melanoma cell lines, selleck chem benign nevi and melanoma sam ples, and present data suggesting that both genetic and epigenetic mechanisms may take part in this silencing. We provide data showing that re expression of mir 376a and mir 376c, two miRNAs from this cluster, lead to at tenuation of melanoma proliferation and migration. These two miRNAs target IGF1R, a tyrosine kinase receptor implicated in melanoma tumorigenesis and metastasis. Results To compare the miRNA expression pattern between normal and malignant melanocytes, two samples of miRNAs pro duced from normal human epidermal melanocytes and miRNAs from five melanoma cell lines were hybridized to a commercial miRNAs array, using commercial placental miRNAs as positive control.
An unsuper vised cluster anlysis of the logarithm of the normalized values using the k means clustering algorithm showed that the two NHEM samples exhibit a very similar pattern of miRNAs expression, and that whereas the majority of miR NAs are not significantly altered between normal and malig nant melanocytes, there are two distinct groups of miRNAs that Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries are either up regulated or down regulated in melanoma vs. melanocytes. The expression pattern of several miRNAs from the array was validated by quantitative RT PCR, and all were found to exhibit similar expression patterns as in the Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries array. Statistical analysis was undertaken to find miRNAs who exhibit the exact same pattern of expression in all five melanoma cell lines compared to normal cells by using a student t test with a p value Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries 0.
0032. Using this very stringent criterion, only 58 miRNAs were found to be significantly altered between normal mela nocytes and all five malignant melanoma cell lines, out of which 57 were significantly down regulated in melan oma. Interestingly, of these 57 miRNAs, 27 were mapped Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries to a large bipartite miRNA aggregate on chromosome 14. This cluster resides within a parentally imprinted re gion on chromosome 14q32 known to be imperative in development and differentiation. We therefore decided to focus our present work on miRNAs from this large aggregate. Table 1 depicts the expression pattern of all miRNAs from this cluster. We next compared the expression pattern of miRNAs from benign melanocytic nevi and melanoma samples taken from parrafin embedded Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries tissues to miRNAs from normal melanocytes.
In general, the expression patterns of miRNAs from benign nevi and malignant melanoma were very similar. Interestingly, chromosome 14q32 miRNAs were significantly over represented in the cluster of miRNAs whose selleck chem Ixazomib expression was significantly down regulated in all melanoma and nevi. Whereas chromosome 14q32 miRNAs accounted for 7. 6% of all miRNAs represented on the array, they accounted for 23. 5% of all the downregu lated miRNAs.