Z jego inicjatywy w 1968 roku Rada Uczelniana ZSP AM w Poznaniu zorganizowała krajowe sympozjum poświęcone martyrologii dzieci z terenu byłego Kraju Warty (Warthegau), na którym wygłosił okolicznościowy wykład. Był wszechstronnie uzdolniony. Pisał wiersze, rysował. Zachowało się kilka jego rysunków
z okresu przedwojennej aktywności harcerskiej ( Ryc. 2 and Ryc. 3). Był również jednym z założycieli Stowarzyszenia Absolwentów A.M. w Poznaniu (obok prof. Marii Chmielowej i prof. Stefana Fliegera). Niech to wspomnienie o jednym z kierunków działalności Profesora Chróścielewskiego, jego pasji, będzie przyczynkiem do przedłużenia pamięci o tej wielce zasłużonej postaci nie tylko dla medycyny sądowej, ale i Wielkopolski. “
“In recent years, an increased number of children infected with bacteria of Campylobacter genus is observed. They are Gram-negative rods which are characterized Bioactive Compound Library ic50 by their ability to grow under low-oxygen conditions and an increased concentration
of the carbon dioxide, they are slow-growing bacteria and have 48–72 h (or even longer) incubation time. In humans, the most important are following species: Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli, Campylobacter fetus and Campylobacter upsaliensis. Infections with Gram-negative bacteria of Campylobacter genus are one of the most common causes of an acute diarrhea, especially in patents in the age under 3 years and in elderly
people. Autophagy inhibitor Even low infective dose can cause full-blown Campylobacter infection. It is estimated that Campylobacter infection occurs approximately in 1% of European population and in United States [1]. Source of infection FER is usually infected poultry [2]. People can also become infected by consuming unpasteurized milk, contaminated water or other contaminated food products. Other risk factor for Campylobacter infections is traveling abroad, especially to countries with a lower level of economic development [2] and [3]. Incidence of Campylobacter is observed during whole year, but outbreaks most commonly occur in spring and autumn months. In infants, young children and patients with compromised immune system symptoms are sometimes much more severe and occur not only with inflammation of stomach and intestines, but also with: bacteremia, sepsis, thrombophlebitis, meningitis, reactive arthritis (in patients with HLA B27), endocarditis, inflammatory bowel disease, hemolytic-uremic syndrome, Guillain–Barré syndrome or Miller–Fisher syndrome [2] and [4]. Clinical picture is dominated by bloody diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain [5]. In the case of gastroenteritis, Campylobacter infection resolves spontaneously (in treatment rehydration and regulation of fluid and electrolyte disorders are sufficient), in severe cases antibiotic therapy is needed.