Both biomass and ?ltrate were quickly frozen in liquid nitrogen a

Both biomass and ?ltrate were quickly frozen in liquid nitrogen and subsequently stored at 80 C. Dry biomass concentrations were gravi metrically determined from lyophilized mycelium originating from a known mass of culture broth. Culture broth for microscopic analysis was quickly frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at 80 C. For LC MS MS analysis, 1 ml of Sigmafast protease inhibitor cocktail was added to 30 ml of culture ?ltrate and BSA was spiked as internal standard before freezing in liquid nitrogen and storage at 80 C. Protease activity assay Extracellular protease activity measurements were per formed similarly to a previously described method by Braaksma et al. using N,N dimethylated BSA as substrate. Measurements were performed in 96 well microtiter plates. 30 ul sample were incubated with 80 ul of 0.

5% N,N dimethylated BSA in McIlvaines citric acid phosphate bu?er, pH 3, for Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries 30 min at 37 C. Reac tions were stopped by addition of 190 ul fresh TNBSA borate bu?er solution prepared by adding 50 ul of 5% 2,4,6, trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid to 10 ml of borate bu?er with 0. 5 g l?1 Na2SO3, pH 9. 3. TNBSA reacts with primary amines yielding a yellow chromophore that was measured at 405 nm after 10 min. Blank Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries measurements for sample background correction were obtained by incubation of ?ltrates with citric acid bu?er not containing N,N dimethylated BSA. Non pro teolytic release of amines from N,N dimethylated BSA Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries was assessed by incubation of N,N dimethylated BSA without ?ltrate sample.

Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries 1 U of protease activity was de?ned as the activity, which within 1 min under the described incubation conditions produces a hydrolysate Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries with an absorption equal to that of 1 umol glycine at 405 nm. Extracellular protein quanti?cation Extracellular protein concentrations in culture ?ltrates were determined using the Quick sellectchem Start Bradford Pro tein Assay according to the manufacturers instructions. Microscopy and image analysis Microscopic samples were slowly defrosted on ice. For di?erential interference contrast microscopy an Axioplan 2 instrument with a 100x oil immer sion objective was used and micrographs were captured with an DKC 5000 digital camera. For the auto mated determination of hyphal diameters, samples were ?xed and stained in a single step by mixing them at a 1,1 ratio with Lactophenolblue. Sets of 40 micro graphs were taken per sample with an DM IL LED microscope using a 40x objective and an ICC50 camera. The microscope and camera settings were opti mized to obtain micrographs with strong contrast.

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