TGFB stimulation further enhances the association of ATF2 and Smad34 and increases the CRE containing reporter activity in HepG2 cells. Since blocking either the ATF2 CRE or TBRI Smad23 axis significantly reduced CRP2 expression and given the proximity of CRE and SBE sites, it is possible that Smad heterotrimer and ATF2 might form a higher order complex to cooperatively, rather than independently, selleck regulate CRP2 expression. This regulation via two cis elements is similar to that of several SMC marker genes. For example, the TGFB induction of SM actin and SM22 expression is coordinately regulated by a TGFB control element and nearby CArG 6GG elements in the 5 promoter.
However, the regulatory mechanism of CRP2 expres sion by TGFB differ from these SMC marker genes in that CRP2 induction is mediated through the CRE and SBE elements whereas Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries TCE and CArG elements medi ate the TGFB induction of SM actin and SM22 expression. Conclusion Based on our findings, we propose that two signaling pathways downstream of TGFB converge on Csrp2 pro moter to cooperatively induce Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Csrp2 gene transcription and protein expression. In the canonical pathway, upon TGFB binding, TBRII trans phosphorylates TBRI to activate its kinase function, leading to Smad23 phosphorylation. Activated Smad23 then cooperate with Smad4 to form a complex, translocates into the nucleus and bind to SBE of the Csrp2 promoter. In the non canonical signaling pathway that does not require TBRI, TGFB binds to TBRII and activates Src family kinase and RhoA signaling. Activated ROCK in turn phosphorylates JNK, resulting in ATF2 activation.
Activated ATF2 dimer then binds to the CRE site 8 bp upstream of SBE on the Csrp2 promoter. The ATF2 on the CRE site and Smad proteins on the SBE site might associate to form a higher order complex to cooperatively enhance CRP2 expression in VSMCs, which represents a previously unrecognized mechanism of VSMC gene in duction by TGFB. Methods Luciferase Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries reporter and expression constructs The 795Csrp2 luc luciferase reporter plasmid was de scribed previously and used as a template to generate mutant constructs. Site directed mutagenesis was per formed using Pfu polymerase to mutate the putative Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries SBE sites at ?681 from to generate SBE681mut and SBE445mut constructs, respectively. The CREmutSBE445 mut construct with double mutations at 461CRE and 445SBE was Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries generated using 795CREmutCsrp2 luc as a template to mutate putative 445SBE site as above. All constructs were confirmed by DNA sequen cing. Dominant negative mutant of type II TGFB re ceptor pCMV5 HA TBRII that lacks C terminal kinase domain and is unable to activate TBRI was obtained from Addgene. U0126 buy The expression plasmid pCMV5 Smad2 has previously been described.