Retinal implants incorporating a light-sensitive electrode array

Retinal implants incorporating a light-sensitive electrode array may circumvent this problem (Chow et al., 2004), as would an intraocular camera (Hauer, 2009), which may possibly be adapted for a cortical prosthesis. Importantly, such techniques may only be useful in those subjects not demonstrating significant gaze instability or suffering from nystagmus (Schneider et al., 2013). The work of Dobelle (2000) provided clear evidence that preserved neuroplasticity in visual cortex can permit a blind individual, who had an initially poor response to patterned stimulation, to gradually recognize

shapes, letters and features in a relatively complex physical environment. According to Dobelle (2000), a key factor in achieving this goal was increased computing power, which permitted the use of more sophisticated image processing algorithms providing enhanced edge detection, whilst keeping frame FK866 purchase rates at acceptable levels. Future cortical visual prostheses will likely elicit several hundred or more

phosphenes (Lowery, 2013, Normann et al., 2009 and Srivastava et al., 2007), many more than were reported by any previous cortical implant recipient (Brindley and Lewin, 1968, Brindley et al., 1972, Brindley, 1982, Dobelle, 2000 and Naumann, 2012). The manner in which visual imagery is preprocessed prior to reconstruction with phosphenes is therefore of great importance, and is a subject of ongoing research. Early studies of simulated phosphene vision used simple perforated masks of varying density and “pixel” count, which provide a crude estimate of the likely pattern of percepts experienced by

a cortical prosthesis recipient (Cha et al., 1992a). This technique provides PJ34 HCl a model for many subsequent reports of simulated phosphene imagery, namely that the phosphenated image is a grayscale, “downsampled” version of the original, with multiple levels of brightness allowable per pixel. Some more recent studies have added irregularities in the distribution and character of percepts including variable size, brightness, density, overlap and a restricted spread of phosphenes across the visual field to more accurately estimate the perceptual experience (Chen et al., 2009b and Srivastava et al., 2009). Nonetheless, the same approach is essentially employed, wherein the resultant image remains a downsampled version of the original, albeit with phosphenes conforming to a more realistic electrode/phosphene coordinate system. Chen et al. (2009b) discussed in detail the likely implications of phosphene maps with poor resolution and contrast, restricted fields of view, high eccentricity in the main phosphene field, geometric distortions in images and other such limitations for the rehabilitation of visual prosthesis recipients.

These differences may be explain the different relative risks bet

These differences may be explain the different relative risks between the two cities. A study found that as the rapid process of urbanization in Kaifeng, the land structure was changed with increased impervious surface and reducing land area as a result of more concrete structures built on the ground.44 Moreover, the old drainage system was unscientific and in bad repair, leading to the poor capacity of sewer drainage. During the period of heavy precipitation, flooding is more likely to occur in Kaifeng and floodwater could easily be infected with pathogens through cross-contamination due to infiltration and inflow between sewage and water pipes. In addition, the economic strength of

Kaifeng is the worst compared with Proteases inhibitor Zhengzhou and Xinxiang,45 which means that ABT-199 purchase the financial input is little to the public health and health care. Thus, the relative risk

on dysentery after flood was the highest among the three cities. This study has also indicated that the risk of dysentery after floods in the whole area may not be severe relatively. With the reference of Kaifeng city, Zhengzhou and Xinxiang had a higher intensity of dysentery epidemics after floods. It may be because that the density and mobility of population influence greatly on the transmission of dysentery between people, which is the largest in Zhengzhou as the capital of Henan Province, followed by Xinxiang due to the second level of population density and mobility among the study cities. Moreover, the reason for this difference may

be that the local environment of Zhengzhou and Xinxiang were more suitable for the survival and reproduce of the dysentery pathogens compared with Kaifeng. The results of the multivariate models demonstrate the quantified impact of flood duration on dysentery, indicating a negatively correlation between flood duration and the morbidity of dysentery. The risk of dysentery Farnesyltransferase could be higher after a sudden and severe flooding than that after a prolonged and moderate flooding. During the sudden and severe flooding, heavy precipitation was strongly destructive for human and health infrastructure, which may cause serious floodwater contamination. In this case, more people would be contact with floodwater, resulting in a greater likelihood of being infected with dysentery. However, during a prolonged and moderate flooding, the transmission and infection of dysentery pathogens may be decreased due to lower destruction and contamination. Research examining the effect of flood on infectious diseases on a basis of retrospective data collection had methodological shortcomings with a lack of longitudinal analysis.46 In our study, we used a time-series data from 2004 to 2009 to analyze the effects of many times floods on the onset of dysentery. It provides clear evidence of the relative risk on dysentery after floods.

g , Hauk, Davis, Ford, Pulvermüller, & Marslen-Wilson, 2006) so t

g., Hauk, Davis, Ford, Pulvermüller, & Marslen-Wilson, 2006) so that a strong conclusion on semantics

being the only relevant variable required more support Torin 1 cost from an experiment avoiding major psycholinguistic confounds. In light of these flaws in pre-existing research, our present study using well-matched stimulus materials, spatially precise event-related fMRI and a fully orthogonal design crossing the effects of lexical category and semantic type now provides strong support that action- and object-related referential semantics but not lexical categories (noun/verb) are reflected at brain-level by a topographical distinction between motor systems and inferior-temporal activations. The current work can therefore corroborate some of the statements made by studies above which, due to their methodological flaws, could not be strongly defended the findings reported here suggest that previously reported noun/verb differences in the brain were driven by semantics. This position seems consistent with an EEG study, where Pulvermüller, Mohr et al. (1999) reported neurophysiological dissociations between action verbs and object nouns, which were closely paralleled by the contrast between action and object nouns, but no evidence for neurophysiological dissociations between action nouns and verbs. A lack of neurophysiological and neurometabolic

differences in brain activation patterns elicited by the lexical categories might lead some to suggest that lexical categories are illusory, lacking a brain basis – an argument that would of course be flawed. Apart from their semantic Edoxaban differences, nouns and verbs are distinct in their Y-27632 molecular weight combinatorial properties: English nouns combine

with articles and adjectives, and verbs combine with nouns, pronouns and specific prepositions or complementizers. It is necessary to neurally represent the different combinatorial properties of these words in the brain, and the imprinting of different combinatorial patterns of nouns and verbs in a neurocomputational model induces fine-grained connection differences at the neuronal circuit level which provide a neuromechanistic correlate of combinatorial lexical categories (Buzsáki, 2010, Pulvermüller, 2010 and Pulvermüller and Knoblauch, 2009). However, such differences at the micro-circuit level, related to the combinatorial properties of nouns and verbs, may be too fine-grained to become manifest as differential brain activations revealed by standard neuroimaging techniques (fMRI, EEG or MEG). As such, with the data available at present, these topographical differences between word types are best explained in semantic terms, as outlined in the following section. Differential activation was found for concrete nouns and verbs, whereby the latter activated motor and premotor areas more strongly than the former and the opposite contrast was significant in inferior frontal cortex.

Niestety to rozumowanie ma słaby punkt, albowiem ustawodawca w Us

Niestety to rozumowanie ma słaby punkt, albowiem ustawodawca w Ustawie o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego wiąże możliwość stosowania środków przymusu bezpośredniego z „wykonywaniem czynności przewidzianych w niniejszej Selleck PR171 ustawie”. Jeżeli u pacjenta przebywającego w placówce niepsychiatrycznej stany agresji występują w przebiegu zaburzeń somatycznych, to

chociażby uzasadniały zastosowanie środka przymusu bezpośredniego, trudno mówić o wykonywaniu czynności przewidzianych w Ustawie o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego. Dodatkowo art. 18 Ustawy o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego jest oddzielony, w sensie normatywnym, od problematyki terapii ogólnej i niejako „ukryty” w specjalnej ustawie [9]. Ponadto zauważyć należy pewną niekonsekwencję ustawodawcy. W § 14 rozporządzenia w sprawie

sposobu stosowania i dokumentowania zastosowania przymusu bezpośredniego oraz dokonywania oceny zasadności jego zastosowania nakazuje się odnotowanie w historii choroby informacji o zastosowaniu środka przymusu bezpośredniego, jeżeli jego zastosowanie ma miejsce w innym podmiocie leczniczym niż szpital psychiatryczny. LGK-974 To z kolei argument przemawiający za dopuszczalnością stosowania, w określonych sytuacjach, art. 18 Ustawy o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego, aczkolwiek regulacja wskazująca na możliwość stosowania środków przymusu bezpośredniego powinna wynikać z ustawy, nie zaś z aktu wykonawczego. Wsparciem dla powyższej argumentacji może być odniesienie do art. 26 § 1 Kodeksu karnego (k.k.) [22] określającego instytucję stanu wyższej Vildagliptin konieczności. Przepis ten stanowi, że nie popełnia przestępstwa, kto działa w celu uchylenia bezpośredniego niebezpieczeństwa grożącego jakiemukolwiek dobru chronionemu prawem, jeżeli niebezpieczeństwa nie można inaczej uniknąć, a dobro poświęcone przedstawia wartość niższą od dobra ratowanego. Są to regulacje, które określają okoliczność wyłączającą bezprawność i odpowiednio – winę. Część doktryny prawniczej uważa, że do tych

okoliczności należy bezpośredniość niebezpieczeństwa grożącego pacjentowi, działanie wyłącznie w celu uniknięcia tego niebezpieczeństwa, brak możliwości wyboru innego postępowania („niebezpieczeństwa nie można inaczej uniknąć”) [23]. Powołanie na ten przepis dodatkowo usprawiedliwiałoby zastosowanie środka przymusu bezpośredniego wobec małoletniego, który z powodu zaburzeń psychicznych w przebiegu choroby somatycznej nieświadomie realizuje zamach na własne życie. W niektórych sytuacjach można także powołać się na art. 30 Ustawy o zawodach lekarza i lekarza dentysty [24] nakazujący lekarzowi niesienie pomocy w każdym przypadku niecierpiącym zwłoki oraz w zakresie kolizji obowiązków do art. 26 § 5 k.k. W art. 26 § 5 Kodeksu karnego ustawodawca uregulował wyraźnie szczególną sytuację, gdy spośród ciążących na sprawcy obowiązków tylko jeden może być spełniony (np.

Per-protocol analyses for primary outcomes corroborated the stati

Per-protocol analyses for primary outcomes corroborated the statistical significance and clinical relevance of the intention-to-treat results (Table 3), including time

to initial clinical response (Fig. 3). The remaining per-protocol results were generally comparable to the observed intention-to-treat results and, therefore, are not reported herein. The clinical response and relapse profiles of these patients with moderate to severe chronic LBP provide a unique perspective on the short-term outcomes of OMT. Patients who received OMT experienced about twice as much Wnt inhibitor substantial LBP improvement over time as those who received sham OMT. A large majority of rapid responders who were identifiable after one scheduled OMT

session maintained a clinical response to OMT at the week 12 exit visit. Typically, in patients who were clinical responders to OMT at week 12, three scheduled treatment sessions within four weeks were sufficient to cross the 50% pain reduction threshold for substantial LBP improvement. Thus, it appears that relatively few treatment sessions may be needed to attain and predict short-term response to OMT. The large effect size for overall short-term efficacy of OMT was driven by stable responders who never dropped below the 50% pain reduction threshold for substantial LBP improvement throughout the study. With the caveats of limited sample size and statistical power, and originally unplanned analyses, our subgroup analyses yielded findings Telomerase that may help guide future studies in this field. There were very large RRs for high throughput screening stable clinical response and clinical response at the week 12 exit visit in the subgroup

of patients with co-morbid depression vs. those without depression, although patients with depression were more likely to relapse. Other subgroups that consistently exhibited large RRs for stable clinical response and clinical response at the week 12 exit visit, coupled with small RRs for relapse, included those in the 21–39 year age category; current cigarette smokers; and patients with LBP duration greater than one year, greater deficits in back-specific functioning, and poorer general health. Although OMT was associated with decreased need of prescription rescue mediation (RR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.43–1.00) in the originally reported outcomes of the OSTEOPATHIC Trial (Licciardone et al., 2013b), our present findings suggest that patients who concurrently use non-prescription medication for LBP may experience an enhanced response to OMT and decreased likelihood of relapse. It is interesting to review potential mechanisms by which OMT may exert its treatment effects in light of our subgroup findings. Previous analyses of OSTEOPATHIC Trial data have found reductions in serum tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α concentration (Licciardone et al., 2012) and remission of psoas syndrome (Licciardone et al.

The statistical treatment for noninferiority averts such possible

The statistical treatment for noninferiority averts such possible ambiguity by instead assigning P values <0.05, where there is genuine, adequately powered equivalence or noninferiority. The noninferiority testing reported here applied an alpha of 5%, a 90% confidence interval, and a noninferiority margin of 5%. The statistical analysis of noninferiority combined the screening test outcomes from both the male hemizygous selleck compound and female heterozygous

models. We reasoned that the percent of normal G6PD activity in the RBC suspension as a whole, regardless of the means of its compromise, represented the key determinant of diagnostic performance. Noninferiority of CSG to FST was assessed at discrete levels of residual G6PD activity, a key advantage of the CuCl model over naturally G6PD-deficient RBCs for this purpose. We examined the diagnostic performance of the FST and CSG relative to quantitative G6PD activity using standard estimates of sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative selleck kinase inhibitor predictive value for each. This approach required establishing a firm threshold of G6PD activity for positivity for G6PD deficiency. We chose ≤40% of normal values as the

threshold. We reasoned that hemizygotes having higher levels than this threshold could safely receive primaquine therapy. However, it is acknowledged that such a threshold is not grounded in sufficient clinical evidence, and it may not apply to heterozygous females for the complex reasons explained. Nonetheless, these diagnostic performance characteristics tuclazepam provide a useful, even if strictly limited, metric of diagnostic performance in the context of screening for primaquine therapy. The 5 treatments with CuCl (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0 mM) modeling hemizygous states resulted in levels of G6PD inhibition ranging from slight with 0.2 mM

CuCl to as much as 95% with 1.0 mM CuCl. These values represented a continuum between 138% (9.6 U/gHb) and 5% (0.4 U/gHb) of the mean value from samples not exposed to CuCl (6.9 U/gHb) in that series. A similar continuum of G6PD activity occurred among the variable proportions of CuCl-treated (1.0 mM) RBC modeling heterozygous states. The mean-untreated G6PD activity was 7.8 U/gHb in that series and ranged between 10.8 and 0.8 U/gHb (138%–10% of normal, respectively). The analysis of noninferiority of CSG to FST treated G6PD activity as a continuous variable rather than according to groups of CuCl treatment. Table I lists the results of this analysis. Qualitative test outcomes were pooled into groups according to percent of normal G6PD activity in increments of 10 percentiles and each statistically analyzed for noninferiority. At all levels of G6PD activity except the lowest and highest increments (which were inconclusive because of inadequate sample size), the diagnostic performance of the CSG was not inferior to the FST, with P values ranging from 0.006 to <0.001. Fig 3 illustrates all these test outcomes grouped in increments of 0.25 U/gHb.

It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east

It is bordered on the north by Ecuador and Colombia, on the east by Brazil, on the southeast by Bolivia, on the south by Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. This nation has a rich and

diverse herpetic and arachnid fauna, with wide geographical distribution. This biodiversity has not, however, been properly studied. Hadruroides (Pocock, 1893) is a scorpion genus included in the family Iuridae, subfamily Charaboctoninae. This genus comprises sixteen species and there members appear brown in color with darker stains and have median size of 80 mm ( Ochoa selleck products and Prendini, 2010; Maury, 1975). Hadruroides scorpions have been reported in Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela ( Mello-Leitão, 1945; Esquivel de Verde, 1968; Kinzelbach, 1973; Maury, 1975; Cekalovic, 1983; Sissom and Fet, 2000), but are actually restricted to Ecuador, Peru, northern

Chile, and several offshore islands, including the Galápagos ( Cekalovic, 1966; Maury, 1975; Francke and Soleglad, 1981). Species of Hadruroides inhabit inter-Andean valleys, Pacific desert, and dry forest habitats ( Ochoa and Prendini, 2010). Hadruroides lunatus (“escorpion de los pedregales”) is the most Transmembrane Transporters inhibitor medically relevant species in Peru. According to the Health Ministry of Peru ( Ministerio de Salud del Perú, 2004), the number of human envenomation cases reported has increased during recent years, with most incidents occurring in the Central Coast of the country, which corresponds with the main area of geographical distribution of H. lunatus scorpions ( Zavaleta et al., 1981). Severe toxic effects by H. lunatus stings have not been noted in humans; however, intense pain, edema and ulceration are frequently described as symptoms ( Zavaleta et al., 1981). AMP deaminase Different approaches are adopted for the treatment of scorpion envenomations such as local care, analgesics and antihistaminics ( Ministério

de Salúd, Peru, 2004). Nevertheless, there are no scientific data to support these treatments. The Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) in Lima, Peru does not produce specific scorpion anti-venon ( Ministério de Salúd, Peru, 2004). Consequently, the treatment of scorpion envenomations with specific anti-venom for Peruvian species does not exist. Very little is known about the structural and functional characteristics of Peruvian scorpion venoms. The first toxicological information was obtained from research on the H. lunatus species ( Delgado and Pesce, 1967; Aguilar, 1968; Aguilar and Meneses, 1970 and Zavaleta et al., 1981). The pharmacological effects described by Zavaleta et al. (1981) showed that H. lunatus crude venom has a low lethality in mice (LD50, 68 mg/kg i.p.) and, in dogs, induces a fall in blood pressure. Neurotoxic activity in insects, crustaceans and mice and antibacterial peptides from the Hadruroides sp. crude venoms were showed by Escobar et al. (2002) and Escobar and Flores, (2008).

30 Whilst it is known that cytochrome P450 CYP2B6 polymorphisms,

30 Whilst it is known that cytochrome P450 CYP2B6 polymorphisms, with 516/983 slow-metaboliser genotypes more frequent amongst patients of black ethnicity, affect NNRTI clearance rates and therefore resistance profiles31 it is unclear as to why ethnicity should affect the rate of development of M184V mutation. Further study is required to ascertain if this represents a replicable association. Additionally, although our study was limited to the development of the M184V and K65R mutations it would be of interest to consider risk of EFV resistance mutations and other NRTI associated mutations. In a study by Murray et al., designed to develop a model for the genetic basis of reduced susceptibility

selleck kinase inhibitor to TDF in vitro, mutations at 215, 65, 41, 67, 184, 151 and 210 appeared to be the most significant for TDF resistance. 32 In particular, the thymidine analogue mutation (TAM) T215Y/F was more commonly identified than both M184V and K65R in all models tested. Data suggests that T215Y/F APO866 cell line may be seen in up to as many as 42% of patients on HAART 33 although the rate of incidence is declining

33 and 34 and it may have contributed to the virological failure seen in our cohort. Our study has several limitations. The study design is observational and therefore must be interpreted with caution. In addition, the retrospective design of our study does not allow for a precise estimate of the emergence of resistance mutation over the course of follow up as the timescale from virological failure to genotypic testing is not known. However, our database contains HIV-1 resistance information from

13 UK centres over 9962 person-years follow up providing the largest cohort interrogated to date. Our study was limited to the development of M184V and K65R mutations. It has been postulated that the presence of other mutations including R356K and S379G can modulate virological response to 3TC/TDF or FTC/TDF,2 acting as a potential confounder. Furthermore, data on adherence was not available for our cohort. Previous studies have described a 10 fold increased risk of virologic Urease failure associated with drug resistant variants combined with suboptimal medication adherence. In a recent pooled analysis the risk of virological failure associated with resistance mutation was similar to that conferred by poor adherence.28 As FTC has a longer half life than 3TC it may be more forgiving in patients who are non-adherent although this may be confounded by the lower pill burden of FTC-containing regimens. Of relevance is the fact that our cohort contains a mix of patients with active and suppressed viral replication. Any effect mediated by the different pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of FTC and 3TC may have been obscured in patients with virological suppression.

The latter phenomenon is indicated by the increased release of am

The latter phenomenon is indicated by the increased release of ammonia and urea caused by the drug, in spite of the reduced rates of glucose production. In the absence of any direct effect of juglone on the alanine aminotransferase (ALT), the only possibility for enhancing alanine deamination in the presence of a constant concentration of this amino acid is to raise the concentration of the second substrate of this enzyme, which is α-ketoglutarate. It should be added that no short-term regulation mechanism for ALT is known. The increase check details in l-glutamate release caused by juglone must be examined in terms of the characteristics of the pertinent transport system. Transport of l-glutamate into the cell is of the concentrative

type. The cellular concentration of l-glutamate is generally much higher than the Alectinib extracellular concentration. In our experiments, for example, a l-glutamate production rate of 0.39 μmol min− 1 g− 1 corresponds to a mean

portal-venous concentration of 0.05 mM, whereas the cellular content reaches 0.5 mM. The high-affinity glutamate transporters mediate transport of l-glutamate by the cotransport of 3 Na+ and 1 H+, and the countertransport of 1 K+ (Kanai and Hediger, 2004 and Mann et al., 2003). It is this coupling that allows uphill transport of glutamate into cells against a concentration gradient. Consequently, it would not be surprising if uncoupling, which changes the membrane permeability to H+, causes an increased leakage of L-glutamate because the inward directed concentration gradient cannot be maintained. Furthermore, the coupling is ultimately energy-dependent, which under energy deficient conditions can also be impaired. This would explain the increased rates of l-glutamate release in the presence of juglone even in the absence of increased cellular concentrations. On the other hand, compartmentation of l-glutamate could equally play some role. Soboll

et al. (1980) have shown that Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase l-glutamate is present at different concentrations in the cytosol and in the mitochondria. In the liver of fasted rats under substrate-free perfusion, for example, the cytosolic and mitochondrial concentration of l-glutamate are 2.65 and 0.65 mM, respectively. It could be that in our experiments, the cytosolic concentration of l-glutamate was raised by juglone whereas the mitochondrial one was decreased in such a way that the total content of the liver cells remained more or less the same. This is a real possibility if one takes into account the fact that uncoupling stimulates l-glutamate deamination in the mitochondria (Quagliariello et al., 1965 and Nilova, 1977; see Fig. 9) a phenomenon that tends to decrease the mitochondrial concentration. The opposite occurs in the cytosol where the l-glutamate concentration can be expected to increase by virtue of the increased α-ketoglutarate concentration which increases the rate of the ALT reaction.

Prolonged shading from reduced water clarity also limits the dept

Prolonged shading from reduced water clarity also limits the depth distribution of coral reefs, with an apparent threshold at ∼6–8% of surface irradiance as absolute minimum for reef development (Cooper et al.,

2007), and the lower depth limit of seagrasses (Duarte, 1991 and Collier et al., 2012). It is clearly established that the water clarity in shallow shelf seas is adversely affected by sediment resuspension from waves and currents (Larcombe et al., 1995, Wolanski et al., 2005, Piniak and Storlazzi, 2008, Storlazzi and Jaffe, 2008, Storlazzi et al., 2009 and Fabricius et al., 2013). However it remains poorly understood for how long and by how much river runoff of sediments and nutrients will affect water clarity in shelf seas. For the Australian Great Barrier Reef (GBR), terrestrial runoff is of great click here concern (Brodie et al., 2011 and Brodie and Waterhouse, 2012). Over 30 major rivers discharge sediments and nutrients from increasingly developed catchments into the shallow and wide continental shelf sea, which contains

the >3000 coral reefs, ∼40,000 km2 of subtidal inter-reefal seagrass meadows and many other interreefal marine habitats that constitute this large World Heritage area. Rivers now discharge 17 million tonnes of suspended sediments, 80,000 tonnes of nitrogen, and 16,000 tonnes of phosphorus annually into the GBR, an 3–8-fold increase compared to pre-European times (Kroon et al., 2012). Satellite images derived from the Moderate Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) document reduced water clarity within the river plumes, and show that long-shore currents transport their particulate loads (silt, clay, plankton and organic rich sediment flocs) for tens to hundreds of kilometers northwards away from the river mouths, and typically remain initially within ∼5 km

of the coast (Brodie Galeterone et al., 2010 and Bainbridge et al., 2012). After the plume has dissipated, these newly imported sediments continue to undergo repeated cycles of resuspension and deposition, until they eventually settle in wave-sheltered embayments or offshore beyond the depth of wave resuspension (Orpin et al., 2004, Wolanski et al., 2008 and Bainbridge et al., 2012). Nepheloid flows and tropical cyclones can shift significant amounts of coastal sediments into deeper offshore waters (Gagan et al., 1990 and Wolanski et al., 2003). Seafloor sediments are dominated by terrigenous materials from the shore to about 20 m depth, but consist mostly of biogenic carbonates further offshore (Belperio and Searle, 1988).