Differences were assessed Dasatinib by one-way ANOVA test, Kruskall-Wallis, chi-square test or exact test of Fisher when appropriate. The associations between the variables under examination were evaluated using contingency tables. Statistical significance was set at P values ≤ 0.05. Results Demographics 207 questionnaires were collected at the end of the survey period representing 80 females and 127 males. Table 1 summarizes the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents. The average age of the surveyed subjects was 26.3 ± 9.1
yrs. Almost a quarter (23.7%) had attended eight years in the primary and secondary education and 21.3% had graduated from universities (≥ 13 years of education). The majority of the subjects were males (61.4%) and attended gym for one to five years (47.0%). Their job type was self categorized as sedentary (12.1%), requires standing (34.8%), manual work GDC-0449 molecular weight (27.1%) and heavy manual work (26.1%). The frequency of their strength training was one to two hours, three to five times per week. Table 1 Demographic and lifestyle characteristics of participants, Palermo, Italy Subjects Number Percentage Age (yr) < 18 23 11.1% 18-30 136 65.7% > 30 48 23.2% Mean (SD) 26,3 ± 9,1 yr Education (yr) ≤5 2 1.0%
8 49 23.7% 13 112 54.1% > 13 44 21.3% Gender † Female 80 38.6% Male 127 61.4% Body mass index < 25 kg/m2 149 71.9% 25 ≤ 30 kg/m2 51 24.6% ≥ 30 kg/m2 7 3.5% Activity at work Heavy manual work 54 26.1% Manual work 56 27.1% Standing 72 34.8% Sedentary 25 12.1% Recreational activity Yes 93 44.9% No 114 55.1% Supplement use Participants were asked to acknowledge the type and frequency of use of all
mafosfamide the supplements they were consuming at the time of the survey. The majority of the subjects reported they didn’t take any dietary supplement (69.9%). When data were compared by gender, men appeared to be more likely to use protein supplements than women (34.1% v 23.8% respectively; P = 0.06). The use of supplements was lasting 2.6 ± 3.3 years without reaching a significant difference between genders. Preferred types of supplements and protein packaging by frequency of use are described in Table 2. Whey protein shakes (50.0%) in association with creatine and amino acids (48.3%) up to seven times per week (24.2%) was the most frequently consumed supplement (Table 2). Table 2 Frequency and type of supplements used among participants Subjects Number Percentage Supplements use No 145 69.9% Yes 62 30.1% Users of supplement by gender Male 43 34.1% Female 19 23.8% Frequency of use 1 time per wk 8 12.9% 2 times per wk 5 8.1% 3 times per wk 13 21.0% 4 times per wk 11 17.7% 5 times per wk 9 14.5% 6 times per wk 1 1.6% 7 times per wk 15 24.2% Protein supplements Whey protein shakes 31 50.0% Egg protein shakes 15 24.1% Protein bars 12 19.3% Protein Gel 1 1.6% Protein shake blends 3 4.8% Other supplements* Multivitamin/mineral 3 4.