5 software) with 2 minutes of rest between the tests. During each of the fatigue tests, the participants were instructed Ubiquitin inhibitor to
extend the knee with maximum effort at a speed of 120 degrees per second. Peak check details torque of each individual contraction was recorded. The high peak torque is the maximum force generated during each of the 50 contractions, while the low peak torque would be the value of the lowest peak torque produced during the last ten contractions of each of the 50 contraction fatigue test. Work performed and average power in the 50 contractions were also measured. Percent fatigue was calculated as the percentage decline in high peak to low peak torque, and percent work fatigue was calculated as the percentage decrease in the work performed from the 1st one-third to the last one-third of the contractions
of each set. After a one week wash out and recovery period, the participants were switched to the other treatment and the testing was repeated (Figure 1). Blood samples were taken from a superficial forearm vein before and after each supplementation period and sent to a commercial laboratory for blood chemistry and complete blood count (LabCorp, Kansas City, MO). Statistics A cross-over, repeated measures ANOVA model was used to analyze the data using the General Linear Models (GLM) procedure in SAS (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). No priori power analysis was performed, but the number of participants studied was justified based upon the Jordan et al. study [21] and the present study used a similar number of each gender in our crossover design SAR302503 as no prior art specific to exogenous ATP provided evidence to warrant against the use of both men and women. Participants were randomly assigned to treatment order. Main effects of participant, order, treatment (Trt), and Trt*time were included in the model. Least Squares Means procedure was then used to compare treatment means of each set. Statistical significance was determined at p < 0.05 and trends were determined for p > 0.05 and p < 0.10. Results Participant
characteristics are shown in Table Monoiodotyrosine 1. There were no significant changes in participant characteristics over the two treatment periods. Table 1 Participant characteristics at baseline for Placebo and 400 mg ATP/d.* Placebo 400 mg ATP/d Body Weight, kg All 71.0±10.3 70.9±10.4 Females 67.3±10.8 67.4±10.4 Males 74.7±8.9 74.4±9.7 Body Fat, % All 18.9±8.3 18.7±9.8 Females 25.0±3.4 26.2±3.6 Males 12.9±7.2 11.2±8.0 Body Mass Index All 23.3±2.5 23.3±2.7 Females 23.3±2.9 23.3±3.0 Males 23.3±2.3 23.2±2.5 *Studies were carried out on 16 participants (8 males and 8 females) with a mean age of 25.3 ± 3.9 years. Data are expressed as mean ± SD. High peak torque, low peak torque, and torque fatigue of the leg muscles measured over the three exercise sets are shown in Figure 2.